A fantastic flying saucer photo from China, a bizarre mystery creature spotted in Texas, and a celebration of an otherworldly visitor known as the Sandown Clown were among the weird and wondrous stories to cross our desk this past week.
A pair of classic high strangeness cases were celebrated this past week in rather unique fashions. In England, a sculpture depicting a legendary alien visitor known as the Sandown Clown was unveiled near where the weird otherworldly entity was famously encountered by a pair of children on the Isle of Wight back in 1973. The commemorative statue depicts the bizarre being as he was described by the youngsters, standing six feet tall with a robot-like face and a garish clown costume. A case that occurred the following year in Canada was also celebrated this week with the release of a special coin depicting the 1974 Langenburg Event wherein a farmer saw five flying saucers hovering over his field and discovered corresponding crop circles in the grass after they departed.
A pair of peculiar mystery creature cases left us scratching our heads this past week. In Ohio, a teenager fishing at a pond in a public park spotted a fairly sizeable unidentified animal that briefly surfaced. Pictures of the proverbial pond monster suggested that the creature could have been an alligator, though an investigation by local wildlife officials turned up no sign of such an out-of-place critter. Meanwhile, in Texas, a trail camera snapped a strange photo of a bizarre four-legged animal crossing a field. Some suggested that the creepy-looking creature was a monkey, while others offered more fantastic theories, such as a chupacabra or skinwalker.
This past week featured two tantalizing stories centered around intriguing UFO sightings, beginning with a fantastic picture that provided a remarkably clear view of a classic flying saucer hovering over a Chinese city. Theories for what the weird object could have been included alien visitors, of course, or a drone or errant balloon, though the true nature of the UFO remains a mystery. Meanwhile, in Mexico, when a tire shop owner spotted a similarly strange craft in the sky, he cleverly used the sighting to promote his business by first filming the aerial anomaly and then turning the camera to his storefront for an impromptu ad. The clever 'commercial' turned out to be a success as it amassed a staggering six million views in just a few days.
For more strange and unusual stories from the past week, check out the Coast to Coast AM website.