The city’s Planning & Zoning Division is set to consider allowing a mental treatment facility in the former railyard on East Main Street this afternoon.
The Paint Valley ADAMH Board is requesting a conditional use for a 14,000-square-foot “Crisis Center” on almost 12 acres that front on Main Street, southeast of the overpass, between the Norfolk Southern Railroad line and Rose Street. Planning & Zoning will review the application at 3:30pm April 10th in the Municipal Building at 35 South Paint Street.
As documented in the application, several local governments and nonprofits have written letters of support for the "23-Hour Mental Health Facility." 6th Ward councilman Dan DeMint has highlighted the plan to neighborhood residents.
DeMint has written that the location is in a distressed part of Chillicothe, in a way that takes up most of one of the largest parcels of land available inefficiently. He argues that the parcel could be developed much better to serve the community, and that there are much better locations for the facility.
DeMint facilitated a public meeting for Paint Valley ADAMH to present their plan to East End residents April 3rd.
It has also been noted that the Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center offered to fulfill this need by expanding their facility on the Adena Regional Hospital campus, but the choice was made to work with Coleman Health Services (no relation to me) which has offices only in northwest Ohio.
Dan DeMint has a Facebook page and can be reached at 740 / 804-5679.
Find the article on the Scioto Post.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for the Scioto Post and iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact Kevin Coleman or the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom.
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