Learn about dragonflies in the monthly meeting of the Scioto Valley Bird & Nature Club at 6:30pm on Monday, March 25th. Again it will be in Room 110 of Bennett Hall at Ohio University Chillicothe, and the public is welcome.
Jim Lemon of the Ohio Odonata Society and Urbana area will give an overview of dragonfly biology, focus on special Ohio species, and explain things he’s discovered about them.
Lemon will also describe the current state of the Ohio Odonata Society and their hosting of this year’s annual meeting of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas. He’ll also touch on the ongoing statewide Ohio Dragonfly Survey and use of iNaturalist.
The Scioto Valley Bird & Nature Club also has a monthly newsletter – and they welcome articles, including reviews of past events – email svbnc.ed@gmail.com. Join and get the newsletter. This month’s issue has:
- A list of spring wildflower walks in the area
- Another invite for the club to participate in the Serpent Mound Summer Solstice Celebration Festival on June 20-23
- A review of hike in a newly opened preserve in Adams County called “Quiverheart Gorge”
- A very productive birding location, the Deer Creek Wetlands on the western edge of Pickaway County and just north of New Holland
- The latest book review, of “The Wild Trees” by Richard Preston, about the exploration and discovery of Coastal Redwoods and the Giant Sequoias
And more. Individual SVBNC memberships are $10, $15 for families. Email Program Director / Vice President Andrew Molloy at roymolloy@gmail.com for information.
Find the article on the Scioto Post.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for the Scioto Post and iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact Kevin Coleman or the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom.
1 of 3 2 of 3 3 of 3 In a previous meeting: Learning how to be more friendly to pollinators, in the February 2023 meeting of the Scioto Valley Bird & Nature Club in Bennett Hall at Ohio University-Chillicothe.