Council had their regular session in temporary accommodations Monday evening. The elevator in old City Hall has not been working, so if council met there, they would be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Reverend Terry Williams, who is usually in the audience and is a a watchdog of council, had pointed that out in a previous session.
In the temporary accommodations at Chillicothe Middle School / High School, I was able to sit closer to Mayor Luke Feeney, so I was able to videorecord his briefing to council instead of interview him later.
Feney thanked council for arranging with city schools to host the session, saying he “wouldn’t be angry if this is our home” for the city tomorrow.
He said in the next council session, the city’s new building official wants to give council a 100-day update on his progress and discoveries.
Regarding the zoning code rewrite, Feeney said the city has selected a consultant, and will form a committee to oversee the process.
The city has been working towards gathering city services in the former “Pepsi Building” on East Seventh Street, and the mayor said addendums have been made to the bid package for remodeling the building. No contractor has been selected yet, but final bids are in, and work should move forward once budget concerns are resolved.
Council passed three ordinances on first reading to carry forward finances from last year, and again delayed a second read on a rezoning of 269 Renick Avenue.
Council member Allison Henderson also said that a representative of “Continuum of Care” will speak to council in March on their effort to help the homeless.
Find more in the article on the Scioto Post, including the Feeney’s report in the video.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for the Scioto Post and iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact Kevin Coleman or the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom.
1 of 1 Chillicothe Council had their regular session Monday evening in temporary accommodations at Chillicothe Middle School / High School.