This Saturday is the annual Ross County tire and electronics recycling event. Kevin Coleman spoke with Ryan Shreve, the new director of Litter Control & Recycling in Ross County, for the Ross-Pickaway-Highland-Fayette Solid Waste District.
The District offers these events for residents of each county. Shreve says the first five passenger or two truck tires are free to drop off; passenger tires are $6 each beyond that, and other tires will be priced on-site.
For electronics, most are free to drop off. Monitors are $5 each, televisions are $20 each, and printers are $5 each.
Shreve says the district works with recycling companies to offer lower prices at these events...which is cheaper for them than to clean up illegal dump sites.
It will be June 10th, 8am to noon or until they are at capacity, at the Ross County Fairgrounds. Drive on Fairgrounds Road to the back end of the fairgrounds, to the entrance for the Speed Barns of the racetrack. Find flyers below, as well as Kevin's radio story and interview with Shreve.
Shreve says they will also have a Ross County household hazardous waste drop-off event September 9th...and may do another tire & electronics recycling event in the fall. They will also have a rescheduled Scioto River cleanup, postponed form a rained-out spring date.
Find the Ross-Pickaway-Highland-Fayette Solid Waste District has a website and Facebook page.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman
1 of 2 The Ross Pickaway Highland Fayette Solid Waste District will have a Ross County household hazardous waste drop-off event September 9th, 2023.
2 of 2 This Saturday, June 10th, is the annual Ross County tire & electronics recycling event.