Mayor Luke Feeney fielded a question on funding replacement communications radios for the Fire Department. Council Member Allison Henderson asked about the city having only partial funding for replacement communications radios for the Fire Department.
Feeney said the current technology expires at the end of 2024 or 2025, and it's already impossible to get the radios repaired. They are digital two-way radios using the state's MARCS (Multi-Agency Radio Communication System).
Of the $600,000 cost, he said the city had earmarked $150,000 dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act with the intention of finding the rest - possibly federal spending from Congressman Brad Wenstrup.
Feeney said if they must, the city will finance the rest and lump it into a package for council to pass this summer.
He said the police radios are already upgraded.
Council also changed the policy on street closures for events. Instead of every closure being passed by council - and cluttering the agenda - city administration can permit them faster for a fee of maybe $50.
Alley closures remain...$2.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman