Chillicothe Council heard that the city is gearing up for street work. Kevin Coleman reports from Monday night's session.
Mayor Luke Feeney says bids should start to go out by Friday for more than $1,600,000 of repaving, and more, this summer.
He says Belleview Avenue is one of a few long streets that will get refreshed. But Belleview will get more - it needs stormwater, sewer, and water line work, before repaving.
Feeney says a stormwater problem uphill from the road near Grand Avenue is causing hillside creep, and drainage onto Belleview that is damaging the pavement - so, that has been a major engineering design project.
Feeney says he hopes it will be done this summer. When it happens, the Belleview work will require some street closures and detours.
The list of streets getting work should be on the city website soon.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman
Belleview Avenue, Chillicothe, Ohio