The self-titled "World's Largest Diaper Drive" began this year in Chillicothe. Kevin Coleman was there last night.
Tim Welsh, with his wife Jo, is the Lancaster co-founder and CEO of "Bottoms Up Diaper Bank." He says the group collects diapers, or money to buy them, for those below the poverty line. They also deliver diapers to food pantries, child care facilities, and domestic abuse shelters.
After four and a half years, he says they now cover 16 counties in Southeast and Central Ohio, and one in West Virginia.
Bottoms Up is aiming to raise 750,000 diapers in the first week in May - and the banquet at St. Peter Catholic Church Parish Hall was the kick-off event for the drive. Another banquet will be in Columbus Friday, and in Lancaster in a week.
Welsh has also testified in support of an Ohio Senate bill to exempt diapers from taxation. Since they have a state sales tax, food stamps and other benefits can't be used to buy diapers.
Learn more in the Bottoms Up Diaper Bank website or on their Facebook page.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman