Kevin Coleman reports from Monday's Chillicothe Council.
Third ward council member and development chair Deirdre Nickerson saw two items read:
The new Chillicothe Comprehensive Plan has been finalized, and council will officially adopt it after three readings.
Legislation to support the "Chillicothe Cat Project" and appropriate $15,000 for its Trap-Neuter-Release project got its first reading. Deirdre Nickerson said the city has a feral cat problem, and this price tag is worth it.
She said she has battled with herself over the cost in the face of a growing homeless population, but that the city finances are "sitting pretty" to quote the auditor, and that the city can do both - and this is the right time to make an impact.
Fourth Ward councilman Terrell Fairrow has resigned from council, saying that a class he is taking conflicts with council sessions. The Republican Party of Ross County has 45 days to find a replacement.
Council began their session with half an hour in executive session on "active litigation."
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman