Our local National Park is commemorating its 100th birthday in a month. The heart of Hopewell Culture National Historical Park just north of Chillicothe is the Mound City earthworks, and it became a federal park March 2nd, 1923.
Kate Owen is the Education Technician at the park. She says it will be an all-year commemoration, kicked off March 2nd at the park with special talks from archaeologists, interpretation from specialists like the park biologist and volunteers who run the garden, and mound tours all day.
Owen says there will be talks and special events all year - watch their website and Facebook page for information.
Mound City was reconstructed after being a part of World War I Camp Sherman, and is one of several prehistoric earthworks in Ross County that are on their way to gaining international cultural recognition.
Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman