1 of 21 The October 2022 show of the Pump House Center for the Arts, "Art in Fabric - Where Traditional Meets Modern."
2 of 21 An image of prehistoric Hopewell burial cloth is the earliest fabric on display.
3 of 21 4 of 21 5 of 21 6 of 21 A family quilt from Bourneville probably dates between 1865 and 1871.
7 of 21 Antique quilt animals.
8 of 21 9 of 21 A modern 'quilt' made of photos.
10 of 21 A restored Civil War-era sidesaddle (for women) with saddle cloth, and woman's riding habit.
11 of 21 The October 2022 show of the Pump House Center for the Arts, "Art in Fabric - Where Traditional Meets Modern."
12 of 21 Made on a sewing machine, but an otherwise authentic antebellum dress.
13 of 21 14 of 21 A modern 'quilt' made of photos.
15 of 21 A streak of sun highlights a modern 'quilt' made of photos.
16 of 21 "Masked Ball," made of face masks.
17 of 21 A side display of corn husk dolls.
18 of 21 19 of 21 20 of 21 Concurrent upcoming November shows: "Reimagine" and "Lizardmania."
21 of 21 Some of what's for sale in the gift gallery.