Damaged Brewer Heights Gateway Wall Explained in Chillicothe Council

If you're wondering why the stone wall at the entry to Brewer Heights is still crumpled, Kevin Coleman has the story from Monday's Chillicothe Council.

Councilman Greg Phillips explained that a driver tried to avoid a deer at the bottom of Limestone Boulevard on July 4th, and hit the western gateway. Since then, the partly demolished wall has been left as-is.

Philips said the entrance to Brewer Heights is technically a city park, and so Parks & Recreation had to wait for the insurance to process.

He said residents rescued a time capsule from the damaged wall that was built in the 1950s, and renovated in the 1980s, from remnants of Duncan McArthur's home "Fruit Hill" that burned in 1920.

Council president Joe Gieringer mentioned in the council session that the insurance is now settled...so hopefully the western gateway can be rebuilt before winter.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture

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