1 of 36 Ross County Fair: "The Fair is Back!"
2 of 36 The fairgrounds is built on part of the farm of the Ross County Infirmary, formerly the county poorhouse. The land was sold to the county in the early years of settlement by Col. James Dunlap. He and his relatives (including the Maces) settled this part of the Scioto Valley and built the old brick farmhouses on SR 104 and SR 207.
3 of 36 I don't think it spells out "storm," but use it to find out if one is coming.
4 of 36 The fleet is ready!
5 of 36 Behind the billboards, the grandstand awaits crowds..
6 of 36 ...But soon it won't be this easy to find a seat.
7 of 36 Demolition derby and outhouse racing will happen soon enough.
8 of 36 No deep-fried fragrance of fair food yet.
9 of 36 The big Commercial Building is starting to fill out. (This was the industrial arts building for a 1930s youth camp, before it was turned into the new fairgrounds in 1944.)
10 of 36 Booths are draped but mostly empty in the nicely cooled smaller commercial building.
11 of 36 Change happens - three eateries are now gone. The Unioto Boosters, 40 & 8, and Southeast Boosters have been torn down.
12 of 36 The 4-H'ers have been busy.
13 of 36 No escapees from the open pens...for now.
14 of 36 Only future champions on display.
15 of 36 So far, you can scratch your nose without accidentally buying any livestock.
16 of 36 No fowl at the fair. Nor rabbits, nor guinea pigs
17 of 36 No nickers or neighs in the horse barn.
18 of 36 Only a couple schools, and no flowers or fruits on display.
19 of 36 Households getting situated at their summer homes.
20 of 36 The second largest town in Ross County is well underway again.
21 of 36 The concessionaires are here for the midway, and...
22 of 36 ...In less than 48 hours, the midway will appear.
23 of 36 No bands at the bandstand. Yet.
24 of 36 The 4-J Endowment Plaza is ready to receive.
25 of 36 Avoid needing medical attention at the fair - but if you do, here's an on-site ambulance...
26 of 36 ...and the regular size ambulance, to get you off-site.
27 of 36 The historical Antique Farm Displays building is waiting to be filled with antiques.
28 of 36 But WILL they have 'stump the judge'? (No - it was inadvertently left out of the fair book!)
29 of 36 The Antique Farm Displays building is the last remaining barracks of the 1930s youth camp on the Ross County Infirmary farm.
30 of 36 Refining the Fine Arts.
31 of 36 Not quite ready to roll.
32 of 36 How many chairs do you needs for a fair? (More than this!)
33 of 36 Incoming! But only the campers returning with their second and third loads.
34 of 36 Got cell service? (Imagine the population of smart devices for only one week a year here.)
35 of 36 The air conditioning is on, but no one's ready to receive...
36 of 36 Cradled by the Great Seal range in the Scioto Valley, the 2021 Ross County Fair is almost ready to open.