**(Start 6am 01/26)**
A couple of Circleville City Council Committees will be holding meetings tonight. The Circleville Service Committee will meet at 5:45 p.m Items of discussion will include:
- An ordinance to allow the city to advertise for bids and enter into contracts for the 2021 street, utility, parks and traffic singal improvement and maintenance program.
- A resolution allowing the ohio department of transportation to replace a concrete arch structure over Hargus Creek.
- An ordinance allowing the mayor or his designee to enter into a contract with the state director of transportation to resurface and make improvements to portions of US 22, SR 188, and SR 56.
The Circleville Finance Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. Their agenda was not available at the time of this report.
Both meetings will take place via Webex Tele Conference. The public can listen in via CGTV, Channel 1021.