Mom Shamed For Giving Kids Zombie Skittles Without Knowing What They Are

With Halloween fast approaching, many candy makers are putting out new and exciting flavors to give trick-or-treaters fun options to find in their candy bags. While it might be thrilling for kids, it can wreak havoc on parents, as one mom learned the hard way. Emily Massingill, a Texas mother of two young kids, occasionally rewards her children with candy like Skittles. Well lately, she had been treating them to some Zombie Skittles, not realizing what they were... but she eventually figured it out.

Massingill shared her story in a Facebook post that included a photo of the offending candy and her distraught daughter. The caption said, "If you're feeling like a bad mom today, don't worry. I fed these Skittles to my kids for a solid month not realizing there is one Skittle in there that taste like rotting flesh or 54 dirty diapers in the garbage. They kept telling me they didn’t like the Skittles. And I told them to either eat them or they wouldn't get any more candy ever again if they're gonna be ungrateful."

Yes according to Skittles, there is one candy in there that tastes like "rotten zombie." Per a press release:

"Each pack of Zombie SKITTLES® features a mix of five fruity flavors: Petrifying Citrus Punch, Mummified Melon, Boogeyman Blackberry, Chilling Black Cherry, and Blood Red Berry. The ultimate twist? You don't know which one may have the repulsive taste known as rotten zombie! Hidden beneath the candy shell of select pieces in the pack is a rotten zombie flavor that will reveal itself only once you've started to chew. It's an utterly disgusting taste experience that will elicit strong reactions from anyone and everyone daring enough to try it."

Many parents who read Emily's post thought it was hysterical, with some even planning to purposefully trick their kids with the candy. However others weren't laughing and took the time to shame the mom, writing things like, "I listen to my kids, not force them. That's the difference. If someone did that to you you'd rebel."

Eventually, Emily clapped back, adding to her original post to say, "Editing to add now this has blown up which is insane to me. I don't give my kids candy EVERY DAY. But for a month, when they did get candy, this is what they got. They only went through about six packs or so." She went on to note, "Also, for all of you that say I'm a horrible parent and ruining my children's lives, my Venmo is @emilymichellephotos if you wanna contribute to their therapy fund for later in life. They'll need the best due to this incident, I assure you."

Emily even responded to people questioning why she would make her kids eat something they don't like, stating, "It's Skittles not horseradish. Sit down, listen to yourself. The ones I ate were fine, unfortunately for my kids."

It all worked out in the end too. Massingill told CafeMom, "A lot of moms sent me a few dollars on Venmo and they've funded my coffee habit for the next month, which is amazing." That's not all though - even Skittles contacted her and are sending her some free bags of the regular version of their candy.

Photo: Skittles, Getty Images

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