Meals To Raise Funds for Women Drug Recovery in Chillicothe

Cheryl’s House of Hope in Chillicothe will conduct a special lunch and dinner event February 21st to help fund drug recovery efforts in Chillicothe.


Cheryl’s Fish & Pork Dinners will be held at Landmark Church located at 914 Dayton Street in Chillicothe. Lunch will be served from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with dinner available from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Meals consist of either Perch or Pork Tenderloin, baked beans, potato salad, drinks and dessert. It is open to all ages.


The event is being sponsored by Landmark Church, Judy Hines, and the Corner Market Store with proceeds benefiting Cheryl’s House of Hope, a local non-profit that offers help to women recovering from drug addiction.


If you’d like more information, contact Cheryl Beverly at 740-703-9615.

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