July 4th Will Be Busy Day for Chillicothe Police Traffic Control

July 4th is going to be a very busy day for Chillicothe Police traffic control officers, with the two big events taking place in the downtown.


Police Chief Keith Washburn says along with the usual traffic changes and congestion from the fireworks, will see added the day-long Water Street Mid Ohio Jeepers event from noon to 11pm, which will block off Water Street to through traffic, accept at the intersection with Yoctangee Park..


Also, the chief says alcohol sold at the Water Street event- must stay on Water Street and can't be taken into the park or any other location. This is not considered a DORA event, which does allow alcohol to be taken to different locations in the downtown.


Maps and traffic direction will be available on our website later this week.



Listen to our iHeart Media News interview with Chief Keith Washburn on our podcast link below....

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