Chillicothe Council Accepts Lawsuit, Acts on Court Cooling

Monday evening, Chillicothe Council accepted their only option in a lawsuit.

In a special session for the sole legislation, the city finally accepted the arrangement from a mediator, ending any possible further claim from a contractor...who was accused of allowing materials to fall through a garage roof, and whose roof repair on the water treatment facility had to be repaired.

Council president Bruce Arnold said otherwise it could have been better...or worse. The city could have won the lawsuit, or been forced to pay ten times the $25,000 they chose to.

Arnold says council wanted more clarification and delayed action in a previous session...but had to act now.

He says there's a chance the city could be reimbursed if they could get a bond reinstated...that had lapsed since no one contacted the bonding agency in time.


And, a council committee decided to act quickly to cool the courts.

In his finance committee, Dustin Proehl heard about a broken heat pump for the court building at Main and Mulberry. A cooling coil had broken and was leaking water...but also allowing in sediment, which made the situation far worse.

Proehl learned it will take three weeks to order and ship the coil which is no longer made, so it will need to be custom built. A temporary cooling system will be rented in the meantime.

The $50,000 allocation with enough to cover all concerns should go before council Monday...but most or all will probably be covered by insurance.


Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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