YMCA Helping with National Diabetes Awareness Month

(100 Mill St., Chillicothe) --  During National Diabetes Awareness Month, the Ross County YMCA is encouraging residents of Ross County to learn their risks for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and to take preventive steps to potentially reduce their chances of developing the disease.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more than one in three Americans (84 million people) has prediabetes. 

Prediabetes is a condition in which a person’s blood glucose is elevated, but not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis. Only 10 percent of those with prediabetes know they have it but with awareness and simple actions, people with prediabetes may prevent the onset of diabetes.

“As one of the leading community-based charities committed to improving the health of Ross County, the Y wants all people to understand their risk for prediabetes and steps to take to avoid developing type 2 diabetes,” said Kim Slaughter, Certified Lifestyle Coach, Ross County YMCA.

“Developing type 2 diabetes not only puts a tremendous strain on our health care system, but impacts the lives of millions of people and their families each year.”

Individuals can assess their risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes by taking a simple test at YMCA.net/diabetes. Through this assessment, visitors can also learn how lifestyle choices and family history help determine the ultimate risk for developing the disease.

Several factors that could put a person at risk for type 2 diabetes include race, age, weight and activity level. If a person is at risk, a diabetes screening conducted by a physician can confirm a diabetes or prediabetes diagnosis.

Ross County YMCA is helping to improve health through the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program with classes starting in January 2019.

The program is provided at NO-COST for those who qualify and are covered by OPERS, SERS, Traditional Medicare, some Medicare Advantage plans, OhioHealth Employees, and UnitedHealthcare. To verify eligibility, call 1-833-438-1312 or visit ohioymcadiabetesprevention.org.

The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 22 million men, women and children - regardless of age, income or background - to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors.

Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, the Y has the long-standing relationships and physical presence not just to promise, but to deliver, lasting personal and social change. ymca.net

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