Chillicothe Council President Bruce Arnold hosted a review session that he set up as an opportunity to hear about streets Tuesday evening.
Mike Mendenhall oversees construction of the two new schools for the Chillicothe school board. He explained the traffic design to city council, and pointed out one important, recurring design element: as many right turns as possible for buses, and student drop offs, for the sake of safety and traffic flow.
Mendenhall says a key to the design at the Arch Street 3-6th grade site is a connector street from Metzger to Allen, as well as a bus drop-off segment from Allen to Metzger.
Streets and sidewalks between the two buildings were also discussed.
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New city engineer Dean Carroll briefly explained the 2018 city paving plan.
His map shows streets and alleys all over the city, with many in the east side. That includes East Main Street, a project he says will be split into two parts because of deteriorated concrete joints. The joints will be replaced with asphalt this year, and if they weather the winter well, then the street will be repaved.
The rest of the work is normal "mill & fill" except alleys which just get another coat of asphalt.
Carroll says the list of streets are what they hope to do, but the plan is flexible. Work should start in the week after the fair.
Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture
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