Council President Bruce Arnold gave a brief introduction before Mayor Luke Feeney delivered his 2018 "State of the City" address.
An outline of this complete recording of his 20-minute speech:
Council President Bruce Arnold's introduction
Mayor's address:
- A moment of silence for Westerville
- Mayor's theme: Collaboration
- Opioid epidemic
- "Change the narrative"
Where have we been in the last year?
- New city school buildings
- Emergency wing expansion at Adena Regional Medical Center
- Downtown and parks
- Economic development visit
- 2017 "Scenic Ohio" award to Chillicothe
- Camp Sherman Days
- Building inspector department
- Economic development merging
- Uncertainty of the paper mill being for sale
- Recycling
- Getting grants:
- OU-C city intern
- Land Bank demolitions
- Millenium Grove shelterhouse
"Where are we going?"
- Initiatives: narrowing the focus
- Small initiatives: neighborhoods
- Mayor's neighborhood sessions
- Two major sidewalk & sewer improvements planned: Western Avenue & Woodbridge Avenue
- Nuisance issues - asking council to fund new position
- Summer yard waste pickup planned
- Targeted park improvements
- Neighborhood safety
- Changing police patrol vehicles
- More bike lanes
- Seeking sidewalk grants
- Continuing the mayor's neighborhood sessions
- Chillicothe is a collaboration
"...I'm counting on all of us, working together, to ensure that the city remains a positive collaborative, and the future bright for us."
To listen to Mayor Luke Feeney's State of the City Address, go to our podcast link below...