Feeney Moves State of City Address to City Council

Luke Feeney

Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney is set to deliver the annual State of the City this coming Monday February 12th. 

Mayor Feeney will deliver the address prior to the start of Monday evening’s 7pm Chillicothe City Council meeting. It will be delivered from Council Chambers. 

The State of the City Address has been given at different locations since it was originated by Leonard Freeman when he was mayor of Chillicothe in the mid 1980's. For the first few years, the speech was delivered live at the WBEX studios, before Mayor Margaret Planton and then Joe Sulzer moved it to council chambers in an early afternoon addresses. It eventually became a feature at the Chillicothe/Ross Chamber of Commerce luncheon. 

The public is invited to attend.

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