Should Second Street Businesses Help Pay For 2nd Street Change?

While Chillicothe City Council stated earlier this week that they are again taking up the two-way Second Street question, the cost of making the change will be one of the biggest concerns according to some council members.

Many of the downtown businesses and the Chamber of Commerce have expressed support for the change, so Mayor Luke Feeney was asked in a recent iHeart Media interview "if business could or should in some way share in that cost?"

Feeney says he believes if private groups or businesses want to see more projects like this take place, they should seriously consider making infrastructure contributions that could help make the suggested improvements become reality. The mayor says "we all need to have some skin in the game" on projects that the private sector want to happen, with government and the private sector working together.

Feeney did not suggest this is a "demand" to make the two-way changes pay for themselves, but that it could help the city move the ball down the field if business would take a more active financial role.

To hear more of Mayor Luke Feeney's comments on city funding of various projects, go to our podcast link below...

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