Jackson Wrestlers Defeat Cavs

Chillicothe won all head to head matches, with Jackson defeating the Cavs 48-19.

Winning for the Cavs

120 Caleb Lake 

182 Joseph Hilliard (wrestled twice, one being a exhibition match) won both matches

195 Collin Lindsey

285  Cole Maxson

182: Joseph Hilliard (CHIL) over Jamarcus Keels (JAJA) (TF 19-3 4:45)  

195: Collin Lindsey (CHIL) over Aaron Causey (JAJA) (Dec 7-2) 

220: Double Forfeit 285: Cole Maxson (CHIL) over Brent Jarvis (JAJA) (Fall 1:53)

106: Phillip Allison (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 

113: Jeremy Preston (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 120: Caleb Lake (CHIL) over Austin Vanallen (JAJA) (TF 19-2 4:45) 

126: Double Forfeit 

132: Brandon Queen (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 138: Noah Richison (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 145: Aaron Whisler (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 

152: Jayson Dixon (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 

160: Brice Parks (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.) 

170: Brendon Graham (JAJA) over (CHIL) (For.)

Chillicothe will be back in action Saturday at Hamilton Township tournament 

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