Hopewell Earthworks Talk

"Just How Many Ancient Earthworks Can One State Have?"  

That's the presentation for the November meeting of the Mound City Chapter of the Archaeology Society of Ohio.  

At 7pm on the 14th, renowned archaeologist Jarrod Burks will speak on "New Discoveries of, and at, Earthwork Sites in Southern Ohio."  

Burks serves as Director of Archaeological Geophysics at Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. and as a board member for the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy. 

His presentation will include the latest information on discoveries made within the past  year at Steel Group, and in studies of aerial photos - including a probable new one in Chillicothe. 

Burks will also be discussing some results from his work at the Anderson Works.

Come early to share artifacts and the latest archaeological news at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park on State Route 104 north of Chillicothe. 

Pizza and soda pop will be provided by the owner of the Anderson Works, an earthwork Burks helped discover.  

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