United Way Application Period Underway

In continuing its mission to mobilize resources to improve lives and strengthen our community, United Way of Ross County has opened its 2018 annual grant application process. Eligible, local 501(c) (3) non-profit organizations may request funding for specific programs that improve lives and have goals with measurable outcomes in the targeted impact areas of education, financial stability/mobility, health and safety net services. 

To view the details around these impact areas, applicants may view the document on line at: http://www.unitedwayross.org/united-way-program-grant-application.

To qualify for funding, requesting agencies must have 501(c) (3) status for at least one year, and programs requiring funding must be in existence for one year in Ross County or elsewhere.  Requested funding must serve Ross County residents only. 

United Way's Staff and Community Grants Committee, made up of 20 community volunteers, will make recommendations on funding based on United Way's Community Impact Model, which strives to align with and meet the greatest needs of people in Ross County.  United Way's Board of Trustees, made up of additional community volunteers, will make final funding decisions by the end of the year.

Applications must be submitted online at www.unitedwayross.org, and can be accessed by clicking on the United Way Program Grant Application Tab. Applications for funding will be accepted through September 30 at 5 p.m.  Questions can be directed to Kathy Murphy at the United Way office at 740-773-3280.

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