“World’s Largest Diaper Drive” Started Up for Chillicothe and Ross County

The “World’s Largest Diaper Drive” is underway, after a kickoff banquet Tuesday.

Tim and Jo Welsh say they accidentally started it five years ago to celebrate their 40th anniversary when they asked friends and family to donate diapers to be distributed to those in need. They asked for 40 boxes for their 40 years…and got about 80 boxes.

The Lancaster couple created “Bottoms Up” diaper bank, and run the “World’s Largest Diaper Drive” in May. They say coordinating organizations in about 12 states get to distribute the diapers they collect.

Their goal is to collect 1,000,000 diapers in central Ohio this year.

They say that no government agencies pay for diapers, and since they are taxable, food stamps can’t be used for them – so, that stresses families in need who go through many expensive diapers.

Hear more in their own words in the interview in the article on the Scioto Post, and also see my  preview story

Find “Bottoms Up” diaper bank in their website and Facebook page, and “The World’s Largest Diaper Drive” in its website.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for the Scioto Post and iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact Kevin Coleman or the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom.

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