Preparing Teens and Young Adults for the Business of Life

The independent candidate for mayor of Chillicothe helps prepare teens and young adults for the business of life. Kevin Coleman asked her about it it in her campaign start-up event.

Aside from running for office and running a business, Jade Berry runs a professional skill development program called "Life Ready" for ages 15 to 23. It helps then to make connections with banks, lenders, real estate agents, and nearby that after they graduate, they invest at home.

Her four- or eight-week sessions are free, but are limited to only a few attendees. They will get to know seven local professionals who own businesses in town.

Berry says the next session will probably start at the end of summer. It happens next to her business "The Stack" in "The Fort Collective" building, at the corner of Mulberry and Second streets in Chillicothe.

Find details in the webpage for "Life Ready."

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman

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