Chillicothe Art League Spring Open Exhibition at the Pump House

Artists within 75 miles of Chillicothe competed in the show that has opened at the Pump House Center for the Arts. Kevin Coleman attended opening night.

Liz Conley is president of the Chillicothe Art League, who hosts the annual Spring Open Exhibition. She says she was amazed by the about 80 works that pack the public gallery. She said it is probably one of the best spring shows she has seen, with many big, bold, statement pieces - "like a culmination of the times."

Conley says the 75-mile radius is to prevent artists from the big cities like Columbus and Dayton from dominating the show - but she says it would be hard for artists from even New York or Los Angeles to dominate shows at the Pump House.

The show remains up through the end of the month, including during the Earth Gathering April 15th.

Both the Pump House and Art League can be found on Facebook.

Find Kevin's photos of the show, his radio story, and his interview with Conley below.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman

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