Chillicothe Council Gets Added Benefit With 2022 Purchase Orders

Chillicothe Council passed a couple financial bookkeeping ordinances Monday evening, and one has an added benefit. Kevin Coleman was there.

Finance chair Tony Phillips saw his ordinance (with emergency language) pass on first reading to appropriate more $1,764,483.59 to continue brought-forward purchase orders from 2022.

That is standard procedure in a new year, and he says it keeps a balanced budget, as required by state law.

But there's an additional benefit with the city taking action now. He said there are some capital items awaiting delivery once they are paid for. Phillips says the city has been waiting a long time for the new trash truck that can now be put into use.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman

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