$75M 2023 Chillicothe Budget Includes Many Grants

After many budget hearings, next year's Chillicothe city budget is set to be passed. Kevin Coleman was at the council session Monday night.

City auditor Crystal Spetnagel was upbeat about the balanced 2023 budget. She said that overall, it will be about $75,000,000, with about $30,000,000 in the general fund - but that includes many transfers and grants.

Spetnagel said there was a big increase in grants because the city did a great jog bringing them in - with about $10,000,000 in grants alone in capitol funds.

Council will meet in special session next Monday to give the budget its second reading, before passing it in their their end-of year session December 26th.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman

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