Additional Funds from Ohio Building Demolition Program to Local Counties

In the face of this news, the Ross County land bank is holding a special meeting this morning with the Ross County Commissioners.

(Columbus) -- State Senator Bob Peterson (R-Washington Court House) is pleased to announce the state has awarded additional funding to three counties in the 17th District to tear down vacant or decaying buildings and clear the way for new economic development. 

The counties were each originally awarded $500,000 in cleanup funds. Clinton County will now receive a total of $849,220, Jackson County will get $724,900, and Ross County can expect $629,800.

"This is a great economic shot in the arm for these three counties," said Peterson. "It will help us get rid of residential and commercial buildings that have become eyesores and revitalize these sites to attract investments, new businesses, and jobs."

Governor DeWine's Ohio Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program will fund the demolition of hundreds of blighted buildings across the state. The program is awarding a total of $150 million in grants for demolition and revitalization projects in 87 counties. 

30 counties were granted additional funding for revitalization projects above the $500,000 awarded to 87 counties on July 1, 2022. For a complete list of all 825 demolition sites, click here. For more information on the Ohio Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program, click here.

Senator Bob Peterson represents the 17th District in the Ohio Senate, which encompasses all or part of Clinton, Fayette, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, and Vinton counties. Learn more at

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture for iHeart Media Southern Ohio. For stories or questions, contact the iHeart Southern Ohio Newsroom or Kevin Coleman

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