Chillicothe Paving Nearly Finished, and City Is Planning for Next Year

Chillicothe street paving is nearly finished, and the city is seeking grants and making plans for next year. Kevin Coleman spoke with Mayor Luke Feeney after last week's council session.

Feeney says city paving is about 80% completed, with High Street under way this week. He said it was pushed forward in the repaving cycle because of the work Columbia Gas has been doing.

The city will also be able to do even more just now. He said the city was notified that they won a Ohio Public Works Commission grant and that they should be able to do $170,000 to $180,00 more paving this season before the asphalt plants close for winter.

Feeney said one of the major streets needing utility and paving work is Belleview Avenue, but the engineering plans are not done yet. The city will patch it to get it through winter.

Hear more in the interview below, including on the timing of traffic lights.

Kevin Coleman reports on local government and culture

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