Chillicothe Council meets in regular session June 27th, 2022, with an agenda of 19 items.
One item is the livestock ordinance, delayed from passage weeks ago by amendments. A special session a week and a half ago failed to have enough council members to pass it.
The proposed legislation on prohibiting homeless from camping on city property is not on the agenda. CORRECTION: Kevin Coleman was under the weather and apologizes for missing the listing of proposed legislation on prohibiting homeless from camping on city property in council's agenda, mistakenly writing that it wasn't there.
Other first reading items would:
- Address the provisions of the new state law giving municipalities the right to retain regulations and prohibitions on fireworks
- Waive the formal bidding and advertising procedure for the City Administration Building boiler project
- Waive the formal bidding and advertising procedure for the sewer repair project at Water and Watt Streets
- Authorize an agreement with the Hope Partnership and appropriate $20,000 for the Ross County Reentry Coalition
- Appropriate $36,730 for floodwall pump repairs
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