Zane's Trace is Focus for Historical Society's Last 2022 Spring Speaker

The Ross County Historical Society hosts an event tonight. The last of their 2022 Spring Speakers Series is 7:30pm, Wednesday, May 25th, when the society's photo archivist explores a historic route near her childhood home in Huntington Township.

Lisa Uhrig will speak on Zane's Trace, a trail improvement done by Ebenezer Zane and his crew in 1797 when Chillicothe was one year old.

Uhrig was inspired by a donation to the historical society to compile evidence in county histories, early traveler's diaries, family stories, and on-site visits to reveal the story of Zane's Trace through Ross County.

lt happens in the The Ross County Heritage Center, at 45 West Fifth Street in Chillicothe. Refreshments will be served afterward.

Kevin Coleman covers local government and culture

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