Columbia Gas to Close Parts of High Street in Chillicothe This Winter

Columbia Gas kicked off a project this week to make improvements to its gas mainline along High Street in Chillicothe.

Chillicothe Engineer David Fishel says the project limits are between the intersection of Mill Street to the south, and the intersection of Orange Street to the north, and along Caroline Drive.

The work will bring intermittent lane closures during daytime hours, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The project is expected to wrap up sometime this June. Weekend work will also be performed as needed.

This Friday afternoon, the north end of High Street is closed for gas line work.

Traffic can move northbound to the SR 104 and the US 35 interchange via Yoctangee Parkway, but southbound traffic is detoured at the BP gas station onto Orange Street, Safford Avenue, and then Allen Avenue to get back to High Street:

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