Ross County Commissioners Asked to Help Fund Transportation Support

In their Monday session, the Ross County Commissioners heard an appeal to help fund transportation needs.

Kelly Dennis is the Director of Health Promotion with the Ross County Health District. He is asking local partners to to fund the 20% match required by an ODOT grant for a county transportation coordinator.

He says that often, people don't know how to navigate their system. A coordinator helps connect them to what they need. But the grant-funded position also provides an expert in the county who brings partners together and prioritizes needs.

Their "Mobility Management Program" works with partnering agencies to connect seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income residents with available transportation options in Ross county...whether they are public or private, including walking and cycling.

The commissioners agreed to consider the request of $16,245.

The commissioners also mentioned, their contractor hopes to finish work on the Law Enforcement Center in February...ahead of the April deadline.

Kevin Coleman reports on local government and culture

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