1 of 12 Jr. Fair Queen Gretchen Search helping to judge the first annual Pie Eating Contest in the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
2 of 12 Jr. Fair Queen Gretchen Search helps to confirm Landon Pechacek of Liberty Gang (in orange) the winner of the first annual Pie Eating Contest in the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
3 of 12 And the crowd roars in the Ross County Jr. Fair!
4 of 12 The gathered teams get excited while waiting for the results in "That '70s Lip Sync" contest in the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
5 of 12 Eight calves await their fate in the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
6 of 12 Junior Fair members spontaneously dance during preparations for the Calf Scramble in the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
7 of 12 Jogging after the prey in the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
8 of 12 After tackling and then roping a calf, getting him into the ring is the next step in the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
9 of 12 Junior Fair member spectate the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
10 of 12 Almost two-for-one in the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
11 of 12 Front row seats for the Calf Scramble of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair.
12 of 12 Junior fair members pose at the end of the 2021 Ross County Jr. Fair night.