Input Sought on Coppel Trail Extension

(Chillicothe) -- The Ross County Park District and City of Chillicothe are soliciting public opinion on a proposed recreational trail project that will extend the Paint Creek Recreational Trail into the Coppel Athletic Complex.

The trail will be an approximate one-half mile in length, 10 ft. in width, constructed of asphalt, and limited to non-motorized and pedestrian travel. It will begin at the intersection of Western Avenue & Veteran's Highway and terminate at Coppel Athletic Complex. The proposed trail will initially proceed east over an existing field for approximately 1/10 of a mile, running parallel to Western Avenue. At the former B & O Railroad line, the trail will turn south and extend for an approximate 2/5th of a mile, entering Coppel Athletic Complex at its northern border.

This project is not anticipated to impact any environmental resources.

The Ross County Park District and City of Chillicothe request all suggestions, questions and concerns are directed to Erin Stanley at or 937-509-0774.

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