VFW Joins Ross NAACP For New Scholarship Award

VFW Post 108 and the Ross County NAACP are announcing a new scholarship available to graduating seniors in Ross County in the amount of $1,500 each, one to a male and female.

Eligibility requires they have a family member who is a Veteran or currently in the Armed Forces, including the Reserve & National Guard. An eligible recipient can also be a person who will be a Cadet at a Military school or ROTC program (Excluding High School Junior ROTC).

The eligible recipient must also have a scholastic achievement of at least a 2.5 grade average or above.

Applications can be picked up at “Lorene's Store of Everything”, at 131 West Main Street, Chillicothe,(740) 773-8016 or you can send an email to dsouza.adrienne@gmail.com & request an application be sent to you.

All applications must be turned in no later than August 15th, 2020.

For any questions please call President,Adrienne L D'Souza at (740) 466-5280.

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