United Way of Ross County Planning Telethon For 2020 Campaign Kick-Off

New leadership and the COVID-19 pandemic have played big roles in the changing ways of raising funds for United Way of Ross County.

Rick Smith CEO for United Way of Ross County says they are planning for a telethon to kick-off their 2020 campaign on September 13th. Details are still being worked out, but tentatively would have local comedian Lori Graves as the emcee, interviewing local dignitaries and agencies who benefit from United Way funding.

Approximately 16 local agencies benefit from funds raised by United Way of Ross County, each year.

Smith says more on-line giving is being used in their effort to raise community funds, to go along with the traditional payroll deduction program.

Listen to our full-length interview with United Way of Ross County CEO, Rick Smith, in our podcast link below...

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