Chillicothe City Council OK's Several Items at Monday Session

During its regular session, Monday, Chillicothe Council passed seven pieces of legislation and heard two others for their first readings. 

Of note, council members voted "yes" to allocate $26,021.48 for Wastewater Treatment Plant SCADA system repairs.

Other legislation passed included:

*Ordinance accepting $428 as reimbursement for costs related to an emergency squad fuel injector failure;

*Ordinance to approve current replacement pages to the Chillicothe Codified Ordinances;

*Ordinance accepting a Supreme Court Grant in the amount of $13,293.96;

*Three resolutions authorizing the filing of applications with the Ohio Department of Transportation for grants through the U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration.

Council members also heard the first reading of an ordinance to appropriate $149,833.33 for the planning and design of the new fire station on Centennial Boulevard. Additionally, council heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the City of Chillicothe to participate in ODOT's Cooperative Purchasing Program for road salt.

Council holds its next regularly monthly session on Tuesday, May 26. 

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