Chillicothe Council OK's 2 Items In Monday Night Session

Chillicothe Council passed two pieces of legislation during its regular session, Monday.

Council waived the three-read rule and passed a first-reading ordinance to appropriate $150,000 of CDBG Formula Allocation Grant funds for South Watt Street sidewalk improvements. Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney said he anticipates the work will begin this summer for the multi-phase paving, sidewalk, and drainage-work project.

"The sidewalk will run from Eastern Avenue to 7th Street, basically, connecting the grocery store to the transit center," said Feeney.

Council also passed an ordinance -- waiving the three-read rule -- to establish a pay scale for part-time seasonal employees in the Parks and Recreation, Parks and Recreation - Swimming Pool, and Service and Utilities departments.

"This is something that we do every year; however, we're not sure if these positions will even be filled this year," said Kathy Payne, Second Ward Council member, "but we do want to be ready just in case we can open the pool and we can fill these positions."

Payne said the funds, totaling $383,297, have already been appropriated in the 2020 budget.

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