Circleville Council Adjusts Budget, is Open to Drug Settlement Funds

Tuesday evening, Circleville Council tweaked their 2020 budget.

Finance chair Barry Keller explained the usual strategy for the annual budget - which is required to be passed at the start of the year, before all the final numbers are in - is to adjust it after the carry-forward numbers, estimated revenues, and submitted department budgets are in.

Council cut $226,000 from the general fund. But thanks to voters, there was a major positive adjustment in appropriating a million dollars from the new Safety Services levy.

Keller said that is to be used for ANY needs they have, but the first priority is staffing - and there are already notices posted for new police officers and fire fighters. (See the fire station that will get more staffing in our Circleville Council webstory from February 18th.)

The new Board of Zoning Appeals also set its $13,847 budget.


Council agreed to be open to receiving drug epidemic funds.

Council president David Crawford said the state has asked local governments to join them in sharing settlement funds from opioid abuse lawsuits the state has against drug companies.

He said it might go court in October, but it's too early to know how much money might be involved. He said the state has worked out a formula to distribute it to every city, township, village, and county in Ohio.

Crawford said council also heard a very comprehensive report from the Service Director, and council should get the street paving list next session.


And Third Ward councilman Todd Brady announced he will be resigning from council March 31st because of time constraints and obligations...including a wife, as of leap day.

The Pickaway Republican party will be looking for a registered voter in his ward for his replacement.

Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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