Chillicothe Council Supplies IT Manager, Loans to Itself for Pepsi Building

Monday evening, Chillicothe Council helped their new IT guy and added a little more towards a new building.


Dustin Proehl saw that the city's new Technology Coordinator got a computer of his own and some funds.

Proehl said he has been on the job for the last month, but has much ahead of him, with an expected one to two-year task: to overhaul the city government's computers that have been bought and maintained by each department without coordination for years.

Being able to deal with threats of ransomware and viruses was another concern.

As an IT person himself, Proehl says he has been pushing to create this position. He said he has tried give what guidance he could as a councilman, but a dedicated staff person would be more effective.

He says the position doesn't involve a pointy hat and magic wand...but some things will change, like getting rid of DOS machines and Windows 3.0.


Proehl also explained additional legislation towards buying the former Pepsi warehouse for city services, a $975,000 appropriation from the budget.

The city basically advanced the money to itself to help finance buying the building sooner - and to lower the financing for it - sort of bootstrapping the buy.


Council also put two ordinances on pause that would change Water Department fees, and un-paused the Atomic Credit Union easement.

They also heard from the local Emergency Management Agency, from the Ross County Park District, and from the Ross County Student Council.


Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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