Tuesday evening, the buyers of animal projects at the county fair were thanked.
Dan Winters, vice president of the Junior Fair Sale Committee, said this was another record-breaking year - at $890,303.50, it was $10,000 more than last year. This was the fourth sale in a row to break the overall sale of the previous year.
He says there were 70 fewer projects this year, but still the other number were great. Winters figures Ross County may be in the top 5 in the state for livestock sales.
The top two "high dollar" buyers, who spent the most, were, number one, M&M Fabrication and number two, North Fork Animal Clinic. The top two "high volume" buyers, who bought the most animals, were number one North Fork Animal Clinic, and number two, Lansing Insurance and Adam Hahn Investment Services.
Find totals, summaries, and top 10 buyers in the dinner program below.
More than 130 attended the dinner, where both the donors and the 4-H kids were celebrated.
Katie Feldhues, the OSU Extension Educator for Ross County, spoke on the lessons learned by Junior Fair members.
She said the livestock buyers are investing in more than just the kid's animals, they're investing in a multitude of life skills.
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