Chillicothe Mayor Wants Parks & Rec Capital Fund Reallocation

Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney is requesting a reallocation of capital in the city’s Parks and Recreation Capital fund.


In an assignment request to City Council Committee on Tuesday, the Mayor said it will provide an opportunity to assess year-to-date spending, and to make adjustments based on mid-year and future needs. The assignment takes into account money saved based on what was originally budgeted for 2019, and other projects and needs that have arisen over the course of the year.


Those projects for now include a kiosk at the entrance to Yoctangee Park, the repair and replacement of the mobility lift at the city pool, the replacement of the pool’s recently burned out main pump, and the acquisition of property adjacent to the park.


The Mayor is also requesting that council committee also authorize that he be allowed to submit an application proposal with ODOT for grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration. It would seek funding for city buses and bus facilities under the state’s Bus and Bus Facilities Transportation Program.


Mayor Feeney is also requesting a similar application proposal with ODOT to request funding from the state’s Rural Transportation Program.

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