Opioid Public Forum Coming to Chillicothe- July 16th

A new book edited by two Ohio medical school faculty members aims to foster a frank and open discussion of the opioid epidemic and its community impact, by sharing the stories, pictures and poems of Ohioans from 20 counties.


On Tuesday, July 16th, a public forum will bring that discussion to the Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library annex, behind the main library at 140 South Paint Street between 6pm-8pm.


“Not Far from Me: Stories of Opioids and Ohio,” was edited by Berkeley Franz and Daniel Skinner, both social medicine faculty with Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, and published by The Ohio State University Press.


The book includes contributions from four Ross Countians: a woman who went from being a convicted drug offender to heading a program for the Ross County Sheriff that helps recovering addicts; and three residents who organized the Buck Fifty relay race to benefit the Ross County M.A.D.E. (My Attitude Determines Everything), a group of student chapters of the Drug Free Clubs of America.


The forum is part of a statewide series of public discussions, which is supported by the Ohio Humanities Council, and has an accompanying website with resources for those who wish to organize such events in their own communities.

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