Why Did the Big Ice Age Animals Go Extinct?

Why did the big ice age animals go extinct? Learn more Tuesday night at Hopewell Culture National Historic Park.

In the monthly meeting of the Mound City Chapter of the Ohio Archaeological Society, Doug Sweet will present "Pleistocene Mega-Fauna Extinction - Man-Made or Natural Disaster?"

It starts at 7pm at 16062 State Route 104, just north of Chillicothe.

Although Sweet is a fish biologist with areas of expertise in fish nutrition and genetics, he has long held a fascination for Pleistocene megafauna and collected literature on this topic.

Sweet is currently Superintendent for the London State Fish Hatchery, Ohio Division of Wildlife, ODNR and has been at this position for the last 13 years.

He acquired a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology from Michigan State University (1983) and a Master of Science in Fisheries (Aquaculture) also from Michigan State University in 1986.

Before his current position he served as Curator of Fishes for the Belle Isle Aquarium of the Detroit Zoological Institute. There he oversaw the care and breeding of more than 17 species of endangered freshwater fish as well as conducting freshwater mussel surveys and captive propagation trials.

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