Candidates Night was at the Ross County Service Center Tuesday night.
In the traditional forum hosted by the Chillicothe-Ross League of Women Voters, 16 candidates introduced themselves and answered questions.
Sharon Verhoff was in charge of the event, and says she was happy with the candidate turnout, saying the local citizenry was well served.
The hour-and-a-half event was recorded by the video broadcast team of CHS students, and will soon be available on the league's website.
Entries for all the candidates who were invited, whether they couldn't come or didn't even respond, are also on the website.
Our own Vanessa George oversaw her students at the camera, and Kevin Coleman also served as fill-in questioner.
The video should also be available soon on local cable television.
Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture
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